Sales, techs and other remote workers often spend long amounts of time away from their desk. This could often see them missing important calls, emails and meetings while on the road.
With the use of a number of popular VoIP features, remote workers are able to carry out their usual activities between site visits and take or return calls anywhere at any time.
Softphone – All features in your pocket
Voicemail Features
Voicemail to text is another quick way of receiving missed calls and messages, allowing you to scan the message for important information quicker than listening to a voicemail recording.
SIP Forking
The SIP Forking feature is the ability for a single extension to be registered on multiple devices and is one of the most highlighted features of any VoIP suite. Read more about SIP forking here.
Aatrox Communications works with a number of VoIP suites, and would be happy to work with you on making your decision on which one will work best for you.
For more information, contact us.