April 13, 2018

Terminal Commands from 3CX

3CX terminal commands


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Update 2 of 3CX V15.5 saw the addition of the Terminal Window feature for Debian. It is remarkably easy to use, and is accessible from your 3CX Dashboard.


This feature allows users to carry out basic OS management without SSH, a usually time-consuming feat.

Below is the video released by 3CX showing the ease of use and convenience of the Terminal Window feature for 3CX.

Available Commands

clear – Clear terminal session

ip – Display IP address information

ping – Verify IP connectivity

traceroute – Trace path/ hop from one network to another

get – Download files from remote directory to local directory

df – Show file system information

date – Display current time or system date

route1 – Display route information

ps – Display information about running processes

help – Help information and command use

nslookup – Obtain domain name or IP address

free – Displays the total, free, used and shared RAM memory

netstat – Displays Ethernet and Protocol info and statistics

dpkg-query – Show information about packages listed in the dpkg

reboot – Reboot server

virt-what – Displays information about virtualization platform in use