April 27, 2018

3CX SIP Trunk Setup

Configuring SIP Trunks 3CX


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Configuring a SIP trunk on 3CX with a supported provider could not be easier. Follow our guide below to set up Aatrox Communications SIP trunks from your 3CX management console.

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In this article

Adding the SIP Trunk

Navigate through “SIP Trunks” > “Add SIP Trunk”

  • Select Country: AU
  • Select Provider: Aatrox Communications
  • Main Trunk Number: Provided to you by Aatrox Communications (e.g. 0398765432)

Adding SIP Trunk

Enter information in the “General” tab:

  • Trunk Details
  • Authentication

This information will be provided to you by us at Aatrox Communications.

Scroll to the top and select “OK“.

Refresh the page and you should see Aatrox Communications Trunk appear as Registered.

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Adding DIDs

Additional DIDs/ numbers can be added by navigating from “Management Console” > “SIP Trunks” > “Aatrox Communications Trunk” > “DIDs” tab.
Learn more about adding DIDs in 3CX

Creating Inbound Rules

Inbound rules determine where calls will be routed when that number is called.

  1. Navigate 3CX Management Console > “Inbound Rules”
  2. If inbound rule already exists for your DID, 3CX Inbound Rulesdouble click to edit. Otherwise, select “Add DID Rule“.
  3. Enter a name for the DID. This can be added to Caller ID through “Contacts” > “Options“.
  4. Select option from the “DID” field.
    • If wanting to add a DID that is not listed, enter the DID number in the SIP “to” header.
  5. Specify where calls go during and outside of business hours. You can configure specific office hours from “Setup Specific Office Hours for this Trunk“.
  6. Play Holiday Prompt on Public Holiday” can be checked if you intend on playing a holiday message on public holidays.
  7. Click “OK” to create this inbound rule.

Number Format


All numbers should be entered in a national number format (e.g 0398765432), otherwise routing will fail.

Outbound Caller ID

Aatrox Communications does not support Clip No Screening (changing which outbound number is displayed), so you may only display the numbers that are assigned to your SIP trunk. These numbers must be entered in a national format (0398765432).

Outbound Rules

Outbound rules determine how outgoing calls will be routed.

Ensure all numbers are dialed in either a national or international format.

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Get in touch with Aatrox Communications today to kickstart your business telephony.