February 1, 2019

3CX Webinar Plugin


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January 2019 brought us a new 3CX plugin for WordPress that allows your customers to contact you directly. 3CX has continued with the WordPress plugins by adding a new 3CX webinar feature to dazzle, educate and inspire.


The setup on the 3CX webinar plugin is simple. Provided you’re using a v16 Pro license, all that is required is the installation of the plugin. Your website is instantly connected to the webinars created on your 3CX client.

For the attendees of your webinar, there are no extra drivers or applications required.  Once a subscriber has received their webinar link, they are able to connect from their browser via WebRTC.


Features included in the 3CX Webinar plugin are similar to others. A webinar is a great way of creating a live, virtual classroom with features such as recordings, whiteboard, and document and screen sharing.

Subscriptions to your 3CX Webinar can be easily viewed and managed directly from the “Schedule Conference” function.

As it stands currently, the 3CX Webinar plugin isn’t as feature rich as others on the market – however this is the first release.

Given the success of the other features and applications 3CX have released, we can be sure that each update will provide something extra to make the e-learning process better for any business.

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